Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lil Bit of This, Lil Bit of That

Today started out super ick outside. It was rainy and cold so, being the cool kid that I am, called my running buddy (he'd really hate to know I just called him that, he he) to cancel. That was 5am. I slept in till lil man woke me up (7ish) and after he got off to school I planted myself at the computer for the next 5 hours. I'm so studious, I know ;) Good news- got lots of homework done. Bad news- I didn't really eat or drink anything till I left to pick up my room-mate at 3, nor did I bother to run once it stopped raining. Either way, I boxed tonight for a little more than an hour. I felt stupid drained, because I was running on empty, but that's good for me. I can't imagine I'm going to feel completely "nourished," so to speak, when I step in the ring at my fight weight. I don't think I'll make a habit of not eating though- not fun. At boxing, we did awesome intervals of footwork and heavybag, then worked the mitts, and did some ab stuff.

When I got home, I ate. I was f'n starving. Even though I was tired, I did a "lil bit of this, lil bit of that" with my 12k... just as the icing on the cake.

I did 30 sets of the 15:15- something I always go back to, because (1) I know it works, (2) I can time 15 second splits a lot easier than 36 second ones, and (3) Its something I can do with good form, even when my shoulders are smoked from hitting the heavy bag.

After that I went through:
2x 3L/3R pistols
2 x 10L/10R one-leg m.p.
3 x 5 bw pullups (did I mention my shoulders were smoked?)
3 x 20 swings w/ 16k
2 x 10L/10R clean&press
3 x 5 bw pullups (love the pain)

Oh yeah, then 20 mins of ab stuff
(I can finally touch my toes to the bar- YAY!)

Nothing too tough, just a little bit to wear me out before bed. And now I'm very stinky and very, very tired, so shower and sleep sound good.


Brett Jones said...

Great to see you back at it and Great news about your Mom!

Howie B said...

Good to have you back with us for the New Year. You've been through a lot and still kicking, awesome. Very glad to hear your Mom is doing well. Sounds like your family is full of fighters!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Prayers and blessings to your mom. :)