Thursday, March 13, 2008

P.S. Thanks for this Jordan.

I don't really know who Jordan is, but he made this sweet picture and emailed it to me requesting permission to use it. Sweet, yo. Couldn't be more appropriate for my training philosophy either. Dunno if I'd call myself average or elite, but cool pic none the less.

This week I want to be a tough girl.

Too tired to blog... or really even think *just ask my professors.* However, this week has brought some harsh realizations:

1. Working 8-5 doing actual "work" with your body + training = tired and sore like I've never felt- in a masochistic "good" way.
2. The flu has set me back about 2 weeks in training, both boxing and jiu jitsu.
3. Your body goes to shit way quicker than in comes into strength.

Fortunately, I have channeled these things into constructive outlets which will, in turn, remedy the way I feel right now.

Since I got back from IL and spending time w/ my mom- who's doing AWESOME by the way, I have done little training (of others). I got really focused on my own training, and just never picked back up. And, I was recently offered an awesome opportunity to do something that I love (working on Jeeps). All that being said, I just got over the flu, and I am bouncing back slowly. Still running, working KB's (lat strength does a lot for slinging tires from the bed of a p/u truck), and fighting. Not much can stop that. I am regaining my strength in areas I lost it being beaten up by the flu strain that was apparently not included in my flu shot and starting to work outside and with my body. It's a welcome change that I needed, and I absolutely love doing it.

I guess if its not one thing, its another when it comes to changes, gains, and set backs. Such is life, but all the cliche crap about standing in the face of adversity (in all forms big and small) is not so much cliche crap as it is really an important concept.

Looking fwd to posting more workouts, training, random thoughts :)

P.S. I've found sweet ways to incorporate my own silly fitness shit into my job. You can deadlift leaf springs and axles, do weird looking swings warming up to sling a tire into a tire pile, and you can sure as shit squat with anything (heavy tires, transmissions- lil too much for me, etc.) There is a way that it all comes together. Maybe you'd just have to see it. How lucky am I to work out in the sunshine on gorgeous days like the ones as of recent! Sunshine is good for you dammit.