Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Things I'm Not Too Proud To Do Today:

1. Shamelessly ask my friend to take a picture of me dead-lifting (making uber-goofy face).
2. Be "that girl" in class who was having an inappropriately long text conversation and not paying attention (attendance is 1/2 the battle for me).
3. Run... @ 10:30pm, when it got down to 80 degrees and 91% humidity. (WTF am I still living in this place for- oh yeah- that school thing- would they just give me my degree already?!)
4. Decide to be self-admittedly quasi-vegan (I know- they call it vegetarian) because I cannot do without whey protein in my diet (rice protein sucks).
4. Publicize my neurosis to the world via this blog, lol.

**YAY for me- new dead-lift PR of 270 lbs. today. But, on the flip side- didn't test my snatches or pull-ups. **

sumo dead-lift:
180 x3
220 x3
250 x1
270 x2*

36:36 snatches w/16k
10 sets

5L/5R pistols
3L/3R TGU's

a whole freakin' lotta abs

45 min jog (9 min.-ish mile pace)

Don't ask, 'cause I don't have a reason why I had to do this twice, but I just did. And now I question could I have gone heavier if I just did it once. And now there's photographic evidence for any integrity questioners... err.

I feel like a different person today (a different person will a lot of penicilin pulsing through their veins, lol). I actually felt good when I finally woke up for real this morning. When I got home from class tonight I was feelin' froggy from being laid up for 2 days, so I ran for 45 minutes to clear my head (and maybe to also burn off some junk in my trunk, lol). Seriously, my class on Mon/Wed is mind-numbing. And, I think it was as humid as it possibly can be without raining, as I'm quite sure I was breathing a air/water mix- but, what can I say, I'm a masochist.

On a dietic note: I have been doing this vegan thing since the anti-estrogenic diet and I love it. No food with a face works for me... and I'm no freakin' hippie, and I don't buy easily into propaganda, and I have slipped up once or twice. I'm tired of defending it, so I just don't talk about it- its a personal choice, a personal choice that works for me- for now... but, I'm rewriting the rules a little bit; I can't do without whey protein in my diet and still maintain muscle, because I will starve myself before I subject my taste-buds to rice protein ever again. So, judge as you will...
~Its my life and I write the rules to it! I am so grateful for my family, friends, health, strength, and will. There is no luckier girl on earth than me!~

That's no chip on my shoulder mom- its striations in my muscles, ha! **Muah**


Taikei Matsushita said...

Great that you're on business.
I was in team RIF June RKC, the only Japanese during that course.

I shook hands with your father after we huddled and yelled "RKC!!" graduation. It's been all memorable.

fawn said...

Holy cow, 270 for two! Good job on the PR! I can't wait to see your numbers at the TSC!

Brett Jones said...

Congrats on the DL PR!
I just squat heavy to clear my head - no running ;)

Renee said...

Fawn> Thanks. I am really hoping not to plateau between now and then. Hope I'm the game-day player I think I am, lol.
Brett> Thanks for your advice about the belt thing. P.S. I've got too much going on upstairs to clear out in the time it takes you to squat ;) But whatever works. I'd wish you good luck at your meet, but I'm sure you'll whoop ass!

Renee said...

Taikei> Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you!