Monday, August 20, 2007


For a long time I've been running- everywhere. I'm pretty sure I have ran 95% of the roads, streets, and paths aboard Camp Lejeune, and a good number of them (in the safe neighborhoods) around town, not to mention the track (hated track workouts). But, it had been a long time since I had run any "distance" at all. I had been sticking to 3-5 miles just to loosen up and stay in the 5K game. Running is important to me, and I was reminded tonight why. I took off with the intent to run for an hour. That's not a lot considering we used to run at least the 1/2 marathon course on base every Sunday. I didn't have my Ipod hook-up, which I was bummed about at first, but as I got going I realized that this is the time when I used to clear my head and prepare for the week. It meant that I would mildly carb-load on Saturdays (my day off), and hit it on Sundays. I love kettlebells- training myself, my fighters, and anyone who is interested (except whiny people- don't like them). But, I get really wrapped around the axle about planning my workout, getting to the studio, and then putting my heart into an awesome workout. That's all fantastic and for sure what I will continue to do. But, it was kind of refreshing tonight (on my "day off") to just toss on my running shoes and take off. I feel like my mind is clear, I'm good and tired, and I feel strong and loose. It was an excellent reminder that I shouldn't forget about my passions (present and former) and to keep them incorporated in my routine (even when its sporadic). Oh yeah, this is why I don't run marathons anymore (torn meniscus)- as fun as it is to push your limits that way- it doesn't clear your mind, it ruins your knees, lol:

I think this was the very first time that I hurt my knee (I did finish, and won my age class from what I remember, just not in the best of conditions). I ran three marathons and a bunch of 1/2's after that (not exercising my better judgment) with some 10, 8, and 5K's too. The great thing now is- my knee feels super and they don't have to pump it full of cortisone and threaten me with surgery anymore. Hopefully, the damage I did then won't come back to haunt me. The beauty of it is that I'm still knocking time off my 5K (36:36 w/16k rocks my world)- which is my new competitive running distance of choice.
P.S. I decided to put some more personal (not just training stuff) pictures on my little flikr thingy at the bottom of my page. So, a very small glimpse at my life and the wonderful people in it (some of them).

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