Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Should Take My Own Advice As The Guilt of A Lazy Weekend Sets In

Well, I decided to take the weekend off. Sat I played around with windmills, pistols, pull-ups, and abs. But Sunday, I took the day to do nothing whatsoever. I played with my godson and watched NASCAR in my pajamas and had sushi and pink cupcakes (my two weaknesses; supplied courtesy of my room-mate).
It was a much-needed day of relaxation and indulgence like I haven't had in as long as I can remember. Yesterday, however, I knew I had to get back to it. And, although it was a typically busy first working-day of the month, I worked out last night after a wonderful BBQ dinner with my friends George and Katy. Here's how it went-

warm up:
20 swings w/16k
(30 sec rest)
5 sets

2L/2R TGUs with 16k (moving down to the 12k after the 1st 2 sets)
(30 sec rest)
20 swings w/ 24k
(45 sec rest)
8 clean/press
(30 sec rest)
20 swings w/24k
(45 sec rest)
10 squat/thrust/push w/12k
(30 sec rest)
5 sets
3R/3L pistols

20 min abs:
10 get-up sit-ups
20 torso twist
15 hanging leg raises
1 min stomach vacuuming
3 sets

I got a lot from this workout (one thing being that a day of indulgence does not come without a price to pay). Its funny how two days off can make you feel so refreshed, but so lazy. Needless to say, it will be a long time before I do that again. Anyway, back to what I learned from my workout: First, putting up more than 12k for any significant number of TGU's is harder than I thought. Second, swinging with a 24k is also harder than I thought (it was harder to keep good form than anything)- it felt good none the less. Third, I am going to stick with primarily resistance ab exercises. I've been doing the same Marine Corps ab workout for too long and my body just doesn't respond anymore. Fourth and finally, having a pull-up bar in the doorway between our living room and kitchen ROCKS!! It is visible from just about every common area of the house, and you have to walk under it before you get to the kitchen, which always compels me to stop and do a few (and also makes me re-think my choices in the kitchen once I get there). Great investment. The 4th is coming up woo-hoo! Bring on the fireworks!

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