Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm Back :)

It's good to finally be back. By back, I mean back to working out again. The past week has been unbelievably stressful. My mom came out of her 6 hour surgery very well, and got out of the hospital yesterday. She did wonderful, and is dealing with this whole cancer thing way better than my brother, dad, or I. She's incredibly strong. The funny thing is that, all she worries about now is her pets (which I have been assigned to take care of). She's more concerned with her cats than with her recovery, lol. But, anyway. Thank God for modern medicine and the power of prayer. I have no doubt that both were what carried our family through this. I know that chemo is the really tough part, but we'll tackle that in three weeks when she gets started with that. Thank you to everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers.

After the longest break that I've taken in a long time, with the exception of a few interval workouts and some strength workouts here and there, I eased back into things today. My heart and mind are a lot clearer now that I know my mom is going to be alright and we know that the worst part is over, for now. There was no cancer in her lymph nodes, so hopefully, after chemo- its the end of the line for this cancer b.s.

So, today I hopped back into things with the 16k with some swings and giving the 15:15 a shot.

40 2-hand swings
5 sets =200

50 transfer swings
(30 sec rest)
50 2-hand swings
(30 sec rest)
5L/5R x 5
(30 sec rest)
25 transfers/ 25 2-hand
(30 seconds)
4 sets =800

40 2-hand swings
5 sets = 200

1200 swings total

15:15 (w/16k)
20 sets

5L/4R pistols

10 min abs.

It felt really good to get back to a real workout. I would have liked to do swings for longer, but I didn't want to over-do it since this was my first "real" workout in like 4 days. About 10 sets into the 15:15- I felt ready to "toss one's cookies" lol. I was starting to feel really crappy. Between not working out, stress, nerves, and lots of driving to and waiting for doctors and surgeons, I felt like mush. Even though I didn't eat much- I still felt weak, because I hadn't even been doing any significant bodyweight work. Undisciplined I know, but it was a time that I needed to be where I was needed and not be a pain in the ass about taking time to myself for working out or anything else. No regrets. Family is always priority. Looking forward to some good strength work and suicide drills at the track tomorrow. The weather is beautiful here in IL and life is a lot better now that I know my mom is going to be alright.

1 comment:

fawn said...

Glad you are back! Good to hear your mom is going to be alright.