Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Renee-proof Things That I <3

<- This is my Sigg bottle and the one thing I do not leave the house without every morning. It is so convenient because it attaches to the spring-hook thing that I attach everything important to (cell phone, keys, etc.) and that hook goes onto my training bag that goes with me everywhere. I think everyone should have one of these, because they keep clean, fresh water cool and tasting good, and they're big enough that you don't have to refill them every 10 min ( like the .6L ones), oh yeah, and you really can't break them.
The other thing I can't really do without is my indestructible (so-far) phone ->
It was built to military specs to protect against damage from water, dust, and is shock resistant (I drop it a lot). And even though it's built tough- it still has all the things I need like GPS navigation, all the silly internet-on-your-phone stuff, a camera, and even a flashlight. It also hooks to my spring clip that I attach everything to.

And just for the record- I break things- lots of things. But so far, these things, my wonderful and indestructible Jeep, and kettlebells have been the only truly "Renee proof" things I have found. Now if I could find a man to live up to being "Renee-proof" I'd be set ;)


Doug Nepodal Sr. RKC said...

Who makes that phone? I tend to beat the hell out of mine.

Renee said...

Doug> It is a Verizon phone- and it freakin' rocks!