Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Catching Up

Our internet has been sporadic at best for the past few days, so I haven't been blogging anything. But, here's a quick overview of what I've been up to:

20 double swings (w/12k) x2
10 d.l.
(30 sec)
20 double swings x2
1 min figure 8 (30 sec e/way)
(30 sec)
20 double swings x2
8L/8R mil. press
(30 sec)
20 double swings x2
10 dbl fr sq
(30 sec)
20 double swings x1
5/5/5/5 dbl cl/sq/press
3 sets

Sat/Sun: Mini vacation to Mytrle Beach. I love diving into the waves!!

V02 Max w/o with 12k bell 15:15
3 mile run
hellacious ab w/o

Tuesday- will post tonight.

That's the run down since the last time I posted. I've been running, dead-lifting, and V02 max snatching more than anything and I plan on that being my focus here for a while. (I'd really like to do the TSC coming up- but still undecided).

Had a blast this weekend. The beach calms my soul and the company I kept was fabulous. We stayed beach-side and spent all day Sat playing in the ocean. LOVED it!! Too bad my partner in crime is deploying for Iraq here pretty soon. I'll miss ya Ski- but we'll tear shit up just like we do when you get home.

P.S. On kind of a mushy gushy note- please don't forget to pray for the safe return of all of our brave men and women that are making the ultimate sacrifice right now by putting themselves in harms way to serve their country. Whether or not you agree with the war, I believe what my neighbors bumper sticker says, "If you don't stand behind our troops- please feel free to stand in front of them." I'll leave you with that.

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