Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tonight's the Fight: YEA!

So, I have been in Louisville, KY for the past few days to watch one of the guys that I train fight. It has been a blast so far. Last night was the weigh-ins, then we ate at this wonderful Mediterranean/Italian restaurant. The food was great, but the highlight of the meal was the fact that they had icewine. For those of you who don't know, icewine (or eisvin) is wine made from frozen grapes. It is a super sweet desert wine (with a super sweet price tag), but I would drink it with any meal just because I love sweet wine. It was a pleasant deviation from my usual pinot noir choice (love those bioflavinoids baby). Not only is it very rare to see icewine in a restaurant (we don't exactly have fine dining in Jacksonville, NC), but its also about my favorite thing to drink. So, enough about that. The weigh-ins were in this really cute club downtown where they had like 25 bars all in one little area with two levels. I took a ton of pictures, but forgot the cord to my camera, so can't post them yet.

I'm here with George "Loaded" Lockhart (the guy I train) and his wife Katy, who is also one of my best friends. They are really great, and extremely entertaining. Sitting back and watching a man who just cut 40lbs (when he was about 4% body fat prior), starved and grumpy- with his wife who takes no shit from anyone (which is why I love her). Needless to say it makes for some entertaining times. But, George's corner man and training partner got here late last night, so I think he (Brian- also fights WEC) is going to take him today while us girls do what we do best (no, not kick ass- SHOP). Neither of us are girlie-girls so to speak, but we can tear it up in the mall, so watch out, he he.

The bet of the evening is to see if I can do a pistol squat in heels- I'll let you know how that goes :) Anyways- I had Katy and George bring a kettlebell with them up here (they drove, I flew), so that I could work out in the hotel room. One 12k kettlebell is a little limiting with what you can do, but you can never do enough swings!!

40 2-hd swings
(30 sec rest)
5 sets

100 swings
(1 min rest)
x10 sets

3L/3R TGUs
10L/10R fr.sq.
30 push-ups (15 reg/15 tricep)
3 sets

a few pistols for fun

100 2-hd swings
(1 min rest)
100 tr swings
(1 min rest)

50L/50R/50L/50R 1-hd swings
(1 min rest)
100 2-hd swings

3L/3R pistols
5L/5R windmills
50 tac lunges
3 sets

VO2 max workout
(15 on 15 off snatches)
20 sets

5 Janda sit-ups
10 get-up sit-ups
50 seated twists
3 sets

Everything felt awesome. Last night was kind of rough, because I had to wait a good while after we ate before I wanted to workout. But I was motivated by all of the caprice salad and salmon that I indulged in at dinner. This morning I woke up and got a great deep-tissue massage at the spa upstairs which really helped loosen my back up (it was t-i-g-h-t). So- tonight is the fight, and I fly out tomorrow. I am stupid excited to see George beat this guy. As far as fighters (and men in general) go, he is the most disciplined, hard-working guy and has more heart than any other person I've met. He's really awesome and I'm going to miss training him (They're moving to D.C. next week). Well, time for some coffee and good shopping!! Ciao.

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