Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Late-Night Workouts ROCK!

I seem to have gotten into the habit of posting my workouts a few days behind. Just a function of how busy things have been (and I'll never complain about staying busy). I have taken on a few new fighters as clients and I enjoy training them and seeing their progress so much. I have the pleasure of working with some guys that have a ton of heart and are making phenomenal progress from what I can see and what they report. I will be posting pictures soon of some training. If I haven't mentioned it before- I train at a Martial Arts studio owned by Jim Wright (Wright's Carolina Karate). Their website is a link on my MySpace page. Jim is a great teacher, great guy, and has been super supportive of my new business endeavor. Now for me-

I am lovin' the anti-estrogenic diet. I love eating clean and I really feel like my body is getting a boost from it (and its only been a few days). I hate to repeat myself (if I've already said this), but the diet is not really a diet- its more of a cleansing. Humans produce enough estrogen for their systems naturally (men and women, barring any hormonal deficiencies). The diet focuses on not taking in the synthetic estrogens that are everywhere. Read the book- its great, even better- try the diet, its wonderful.

So, yesterday I was kind of at a loss for what to do after a long day, so here was my late-night workout playing with all sizes of KBs:

work out:
25 2-hand swings (w/24k)
10L/10R renegade rows (w/12k)
25 2-hand swings (w/24k)
10 squat,thrust, p/u (w/16k's)
25 2-hand swings (w/24k)
10 dbl fr squats (w/16k's)
25 2-hand swings (w/24k)
alt through sets 5L/5R TGU's & pistols
3 sets

I really like swinging the 24k for several reasons: It forces you to focus on good form; It feels really powerful; It works you much harder. I did low reps of everything and not too many sets, but I felt really good the entire workout (didn't over/under do it). I planned on doing more sets, but called it quits when it felt right and moved on to abs (janda and get-up sit-ups mostly).

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