Saturday, July 7, 2007

I See Why Its Called "Dead" Lifting

'Cause I'm freakin' dead tired. I dragged my girl Katie into the gym this evening to show me good "technique" on dead-lifting. It is part of the Tactical Strength Competition that I am wanting to do (either the one coming up or the one after that- we'll see how it goes). And, I've only really ever done stiff-leg lifts to work my booty- never to actually try and pull weight. That was fun...and quite funny to watch I'm sure. After that she showed me a rockin' ab workout called 21 something or other. I'll have to ask- but it whooped my ass (actually my abs)- and it felt awesome to toss something new into my ab routine. So, even though I was tired from all the fun we had at the gym- I came home and did a little KB workout ('cause I couldn't resist).

20 2-hand swings (w/16k)
(30 sec rest)
5 sets

5L/5R windmills
(30 sec rest)
20 2-hand swings (w/24k)
(30 sec rest)
(30 sec rest)
10 swing, swing/catch/squat
(30 sec rest)
5L/5R guard press
5 sets

Gotta thank Tracy for the swing, swing/catch/squat. I originally read about it in one of Rif's articles, and then I saw the video on her blog. Those are my new favorite thing... well, those and thrusters. Oh yeah- and I really gotta thank her for the wonderful hand wrapping idea. It works wonders and is so easy. My hands feel great and I can still keep a good grip (I tried it out on all types of moves). That is fabulous. I feel so much better tonight than I did last night. I'm dead tired right now, but in a good way. I only pulled off 5 sets of my lil workout, but I felt like after getting rocked at the gym- my good form only stuck around for that long.

Tomorrow is fight-night!! Woo-hoo! Love watchin' Tito (even though I seem to be the only one that still likes him). Can't wait.

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