Friday, June 29, 2007

Holy Hot Day Batman!!

So, it was freakin' scorching out yesterday, but it was bright and sunny and so we took the training outside for the day. When I got done with my client- I was so motivated that I decided to try and get a little workout in for myself after he left.

warm-up: w/ 16k
20 2-hand swings
(30 sec. rest)
5 sets

workout: w/12k's
5 double clean/press/squats (I love these)
(45 sec rest)
20 double swings
(45 sec rest)
5 sets

20 min abs

It was just a little workout, but the double swings had my heart rate up there and it felt awesome. Plus, I love cl/pr/sq's! They hurt so good. I felt like I should have done more sets, but I was on a limited time schedule, so I did what I could as quickly as possible.

Everything is going so great right now. I am finally getting everything up and running with the business in hopes of July 1 being our "official" opening date! School is wonderful. The only good thing about your last little stint of college (well undergrad) is that you get to take all your major-specific "4" level classes, which in my case, are all psych classes that I love. My best-friend and god-son are wonderful, and everything is lovely right now (even the weather!).

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